Where does the time go?

Monday, September 8, 2008

When Is Toilet Paper Not TP?

When it's a PUMPKIN!!!

Even though I still want to hide in thoughts of summer,
I can't deny that signs of fall are popping up everywhere. It is time for me to pull down the 4th of July banner from my door & put up autumn fare inside & out. Here is the cutest little & easy idea to make up in a flash! You only need 1 roll of TP, 1 FQ & 1 F8th.......you'll soon have a whole pumpkin patch!

Look here for a tutorial.

1 comment:

cjshifty said...

These pumpkins are adorable!! I do not sew so I very much appreciate projects like this as well as the wonderful items you have here on your site. So glad you are part of cottagefolk and I checked out your blog ....TFS. Carol


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